First Meeting of IPTIs in Latin and Central America to Exchange Knowledge and Experiences

11 de julho de 2024

The National Academy of Industrial Property of the Dominican Republic’s National Office of Industrial Property (ONAPI) jointly hosted the first meeting of WIPO Academy intellectual property training institutions (IPTIs) in Latin and Central America with the WIPO Academy’s IPTIs Network. The meeting was held in-person in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, from June 19 to 21, 2024.

Meeting of intellectual property training institutions
Participants of the first meeting of IPTIs in Latin and Central America held in the Dominican Republic from June 19 to 21, 2024. (Image: National Office of Industrial Property of the Dominican Republic (ONAPI))

The meeting brought together focal points from WIPO Academy IPTIs in the region alongside representatives from intellectual property (IP) offices, and guest speakers from academia and the public and private sectors for panel discussions. The three-day meeting was a unique opportunity for all IPTI stakeholders in the region to exchange experiences and best practices in IP training and skills-building.

Mr. Sherif Saadallah, Executive Director of the WIPO Academy; Mr. Salvador Ramos, Director General of ONAPI; and Ms. Vilma Arbaje de Contreras, Vice Minister of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs, and Coordinator of the Inter-ministerial Council of IP opened the meeting. A keynote was delivered by Ms. Valentina Delich, and all the representatives who opened the meeting highlighted the important of IP education and collaborating to foster innovation, economic growth and societal progress.

Mr. Franklin García Fermín, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, and other authorities from the Dominican Republic attended the opening ceremony.

What did the meeting cover?

The meeting enabled the exchange of experiences between IPTIs and joint projects with the WIPO Academy, and addressed pressing topics such as:

  • The role of IP offices and IPTIs in the diffusion of IP education and training
  • Innovation and IP in academia
  • Public policies for IP education
  • Capacity building for the promotion of geographical indications and designations of origin
  • IP training for entrepreneurs and business development

The IPTIs harnessed this opportunity to discuss future joint cooperation activities, particularly those aimed at educating the youth about the importance of copyright.

What are the IPTI focal points saying?

María José García
Image: ONAPI

This event was very significant, as it allowed us to learn about the important role that IPTIs play in economic, social and cultural development in Latin and Central America, through the delivery of knowledge and IP tools. Seeing the impact that the initiatives have on women entrepreneurs, young students and local communities is exciting. It was also an opportunity to strengthen ties and create spaces for collaboration and knowledge transfer.

María José García, Deputy Director of Knowledge Transfer, National Institute of Industrial Property of Chile

Mr. Salvador Lizama
Image: National Registration Center of El Salvador

The event was an excellent opportunity to share experiences among the Intellectual Property offices of Central America, highlighting the crucial role of each one in the dissemination and education on IP. The School of Intellectual Property of El Salvador presented the projects developed which have been implemented with the support of the WIPO Academy.

Mr. Salvador Lizama, Director of the IP Registry of the National Registration Center, El Salvador

Ms. Narcis Tejada
Image: Mariana Rosario

The meeting provided a space for the exchange of experiences and fostered horizontal relations among the participating countries, which reaffirmed the commitment to continue the dissemination of IP and its use as a tool for economic growth in the region. It was an honor for the Dominican Republic to host this meeting, where the progress made by our offices in their new role as IP promotion entities became visible.

Ms. Narcis Tejada, Responsible for the National Academy of Intellectual Property of ONAPI, Dominican Republic

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