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WIPO Re:Search: Advancing science for neglected tropical diseases, malaria and tuberculosis
This edition of the Global Challenges In Focus series takes an in-depth look at some of WIPO Re:Search's most promising scientific collaborations and their potential impacts – as described by the researchers and organizations involved.
Año de publicación: 2019
WIPO GREEN Strategic Plan 2019 – 2023
The WIPO GREEN Strategic Plan 2019 – 2023 sets forth clear goals and objectives for the public-private partnership, providing a roadmap that will enable WIPO GREEN to advance its mission: to provide an online platform for technology exchange that will contribute to the accelerated adaption, adoption, and deployment of green technology solutions by connecting technology providers with technology seekers.
Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) Report 2018
Celebrating 10 years of TISCs
This Annual Report highlights key trends and milestones of the TISC program since its launch in 2009, with a focus on the main achievements and developments in 2018.
Measuring Innovation in the Mining Industry with Patents
Economic Research Working Paper No. 56
Traditionally, the mining sector has been considered a slow innovator compared to other industries, like the manufacturing or pharmaceutical industries. However, we observe an upsurge in the innovation activity of the mining industry in the first half of the 2000s. During this period, mining innovation started to increase rapidly after periods of stagnation and downward trends. To conduct and in-depth investigation of the global trends and patterns behind this structural change in mining innovation, we formulated a general search strategy to identify patent activity in this sector. The strategy is repeatable over time and in multiple databases. It enabled us to produce a dataset of patents in mining and mining-related technologies. Using this newly-created database we identified at the basis of the structural change a switch away from refining technologies into exploration and environmental technologies probably explained by the took over of the so-called 4th Industrial Revolution. The types of actors active in the mining innovation also changed across time: there are now many more individuals, research centers and universities innovating in mining and relatively less companies. Finally, the country composition in the pool of mining innovation activity has radically changed with the appearance of China on the global scene starting from early 2000.
Innovation in the Mining Sector and Cycles in Commodity Prices
Economic Research Working Paper No. 55
This paper analyses the evolution of innovation in the mining sector and how this innovation responds to the economic environment, in particular to changes in commodity prices. For this purpose, we combine commodity price data with innovation data as proxied by patent filings extracted from a novel unit record database containing comprehensive patent and firm level data for the mining sector from 1970 to 2015. We include patents registered both by mining companies and mining equipment, technology and service (METS) firms. With a multi-country panel analysis, we find that innovation in the mining sector is cyclical. Innovation increases in periods of high commodity prices while decreasing during commodity price recessions. Our results suggest that innovation increases mostly with long price cycle variations, while mostly unaffected by medium and short cycles. METS related innovation seem the driving force of this mechanism. In contrast, countries specializing in mining industries are found to be slower in reacting to price changes.
Innovation and IP Rights in the Chilean Copper Mining Sector: The Role of the Mining, Equipment, Technology and Services Firms
Economic Research Working Paper No. 54
This analysis of intellectual property (IP) protection practices among mining equipment, technology and services suppliers (METS) in Chile's copper mining sector adds to a body of literature that has hitherto focused on high-income countries. It is based on data collated from an online survey of resident METS and on semi-structured interviews of executives from mining companies and suppliers, including two universities. The main conclusion is that, although METS appear to be innovative in relation to the mining sector and the economy as a whole, only a few use intellectual property rights (IPRs) to protect their innovations. The main reasons for this finding appear to be the cost and expected complexity of the registration process. Another noteworthy finding is the view that Chile has the requisite legal IPR expertise, but commercial capabilities (expertise in IPR-based innovation management and business plans) are much less developed. In the last section, four case studies of product and process innovation by four mining suppliers add some interesting insights to the analysis.
Technology Appropriation and Technology Transfer in the Brazilian Mining Sector
Economic Research Working Paper No. 53
This paper focuses on the competitive dynamics, strategic challenges, technological needs and institutional innovation-promoting arrangements in Brazil's mining sector in order to identify the ways in which mining firms and mining equipment, technology and services suppliers (METS) handle innovation appropriation and technology transfer in the country. As the main sample consisted of resident and non-resident companies, the key technological areas of mining-related patenting in Brazil and the main patent stakeholders have been identified. The analysis of technology transfer among firms and to other mining industry stakeholders, mainly universities, drew on import contracts and highlighted the role played by foreign METS. A case study of Vale S.A., Brazil's largest mining enterprise, has been included, with emphasis on Vale's strategies to mitigate external challenges and to meet technological needs through innovation.
Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks; Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement; Regulations; Administrative Instructions.
The system of international registration of marks is governed by the Madrid Agreement. The Protocol relating to that Agreement aims at rendering the Madrid system more flexible and more compatible with the domestic legislation of certain countries which had not been able to accede to the Agreement.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 6/2019 (December)
The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.
WIPO Program and Budget
for the 2020/21 biennium
The Program and Budget is a defining document for the Organization. It establishes the results that Member States wish to see achieved by the Organization over the coming biennium and authorizes the programs and resources necessary for the realization for those results.