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Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: An Economic Perspective

Economic Research Working Paper No.77

The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has profound implications for intellectual property (IP) frameworks. While much of the discussion so far has focused on the legal implications, we focus on the economic dimension. We dissect AI's role as both a facilitator and disruptor of innovation and creativity. Recalling economic principles and reviewing relevant literature, we explore the evolving landscape of AI innovation incentives and the challenges it poses to existing IP frameworks. From patentability dilemmas to copyright conundrums, we find that there is a delicate balance between fostering innovation and safeguarding societal interests amidst rapid technological progress. We also point to areas where future economic research could offer valuable insights to policymakers.

Année de publication: 2024


Incentives in Technology Transfer

A guide to encourage, recognize and reward researchers and professionals

The “Incentives in Technology Transfer” Guide offers valuable insights on incentivizing academic researchers and technology transfer professionals to actively participate in technology transfer activities and research commercialization. Drawing from successful global examples, the Guide explores motivations, challenges, and diverse incentives. The Guide also provides recommendations for universities and governments in formulating incentive schemes, an action plan for the planning process, and a questionnaire template for a better understanding of stakeholders, with the aim of optimizing incentive programs and improving technology transfer effectiveness.

Année de publication: 2024


Generative AI: Navigating intellectual property

Generative AI: Navigating intellectual property outlines guiding principles and provides a checklist to assist organizations to understand the IP risks, ask the right questions and consider potential safeguards when adopting generative AI tools in their business.

Année de publication: 2024


Getting the innovation ecosystem ready for AI

An IP policy toolkit

As AI technologies evolve at an exponential pace there are many questions and challenges for IP and the IP system. The purpose of this IP policy toolkit is to provide policymakers with a framework to understand the state of play of AI innovation right now and to think about the future as AI becomes increasingly autonomous.

Année de publication: 2024


Country Perspectives: Luxembourg's Journey

Luxembourg's Journey in the “Unlocking IP-backed Financing Series” explores both current practices and the untapped potential of the SME ecosystem within Luxembourg. In particular, the report focuses on support for intellectual property (IP)-intensive companies. This report comes at a time when IP is increasingly attracting interest from rights holders, businesses, consumers and the general public.

Année de publication: 2024


Country Perspectives China's Journey

China's Journey in the “Unlocking IP-backed Financing Series” provides an overview of the experiences of IP financial services by outlining the history, development, and practices so that China can better cooperate with countries in related fields and by jointly addressing the challenges faced by IP financial services.

Année de publication: 2024


Hague System Information Kit

Secure protection for up to 100 designs, in over 90 countries, through one international application.

An overview of the Hague System with legal and procedural information for securing protection of your designs in more than 90 countries through one online application.

Année de publication: 2023


Sharing Knowledge, Building IP Skills – The WIPO Academy Year in Review 2020

This report presents the Academy's achievements in 2020 and highlights the latest developments across programs, including new partnerships and course offerings.

Année de publication: 2021


WIPO GREEN – Year in Review 2020

The WIPO GREEN Year in Review 2020 provides a snapshot of last year's activities and achievements. Some highlights include the regional innovation acceleration project in Latin America, WIPO GREEN strategic activities, and the establishment of new partner and donor relationships.

Année de publication: 2021


Guide to the International Registration of Marks under the Madrid Protocol

This Guide is primarily intended for applicants for, and holders of, international registrations of marks, as well as officials of the competent administrations of the members of the Madrid Union. It covers the various steps of the international registration procedure and explains the essential provisions of the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Regulations under the Protocol.

Année de publication: 2021