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Recherche dans les publications de l'OMPI

Interrogation  > Anglais > 2018

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Guide to WIPO Mediation

Mediation has proved very successful in achieving a result beneficial to both sides to a dispute. This booklet provides a straightforward introduction to mediation, based on the extensive experience of the WIPO Center. It describes the main features and advantages of mediation and explains how mediation under the WIPO Mediation Rules works in practice, with case examples.

Année de publication: 2018


WIPO Magazine, Issue 6/2018 (December)

The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.

Année de publication: 2018


Immigrants' Contribution to Innovativeness: Evidence from a Non-Selective Immigration Country

Economic Research Working Paper No. 52

The economic consequences of migration are hotly debated and a main topic of recent political movements across Europe. We analyze Polish immigration in the context of the 2004 enlargement of the European Union and find a positive and significant spillover effect of the immigrants on the number of local inventors in German counties in 2001-2010. For causal identification, we exploit a historical episode in the Polish migration history to Germany before the fall of the Iron Curtain and construct a shift-share instrument. Our results differ from findings for high-skilled migration to the United States, which is particularly interesting as Polish immigration to Germany was not based on selection by qualification in our period of analysis.

Année de publication: 2018


Submarine Trademarks

Economic Research Working Paper No. 51

Companies use trademarks to protect their brands from outright imitation or competition by confusingly similar products. However, publication of trademark filings by the trademark office discloses information about a firm's new product or service. This creates a trade-off between legal protection and disclosure of information. We analyze the trade-off through the lens of “submarine trademarks” in the U.S. – submarine trademarks are trademarks whose publication and hence disclosure to the public is strategically delayed. This is achieved through a particular international filing strategy that is often combined with the use of shell companies to further conceal the trademark filing. These submarine strategies allow companies to benefit from legal trademark protection while reducing the risk of inadvertent disclosure of information. We provide the first systematic evidence of submarine trademarks and explore both their determinants and their effectiveness in reducing the disclosure of information.

Année de publication: 2018


Spreading the message, building respect

This brochure highlights a few of the tools we produce to raise awareness about key intellectual property issues, from outreach publications for children to support communications campaigns by IP offices.

Année de publication: 2018


Unpacking predictors of income and income satisfaction for artists

Economic Research Working Paper No. 50

The stereotype of the “starving artist” is pervasive in modern Western culture, but previous research on artists and income is mixed. The goal of this study is to explore how several demographic variables, along with self-reported behaviors and artistic activities associated with non-monetary and monetary motivators, predict income and income satisfaction for artists.Using unique survey data on current working artists in the United States, we provide empirical evidence on substantial reputational rewards and rewards from altruistic behaviors as important sources of artists' utility and, arguably, sources of their motivation to create new works. Moreover, we find that the evidence on “procedural” utility from working in the arts is less straightforward, and we find that many artists are pooling and diversifying financial risks on household levels. Overall, quantitative findings indicate that artists may have different criteria and conceptualizations when it comes to income, and they may derive value from their work in a variety of ways aside from income.

Année de publication: 2018


Intellectual property use in middle income countries: the case of Chile

Economic Research Working Paper No. 43

We analyze the use of intellectual property (IP) by firms in Chile over the decade 1995-2005 as the then middle-income country experienced rapid economic growth of 4.7 percent per year. We use a novel dataset that contains a combination of detailed firm-level information from the annual manufacturing census, information on firms' innovative activities from Chile's innovation surveys, and firms' patent, industrial design, and trademark filings with the Chilean IP office. We use these data to look at how IP use by companies has changed over time and analyze the determinants of IP use, in particular first-time use. We find that sales growth prompts first-time use of patents and trademarks, though such use does not change the growth trajectory of firms nor does it improve their total factor productivity. We also find that trademark use is associated with new-to-the-world product innovation, which suggests that branding may be an important mechanism to appropriate returns to innovation in a middle-income country like Chile.

Année de publication: 2018



A multi-purpose IP education resource

Année de publication: 2018


Enhancing Innovation in the Ugandan Agri-Food Sector: Robusta Coffee Planting Material & Tropical Fruit Processing

Economic Research Working Paper No. 42

Uganda's innovation performance in recent years has consistently outpaced other low-income and Sub-Saharan African countries. Though encouraging, this nascent progress will only benefit the broader Ugandan population if policy makers address specific constraints in the innovation systems of the critical agri-food sector, which is hampered by low productivity and profitability. In this report, we explore these constraints using an agricultural value chains framework with particular focus on the Robusta Coffee Planting Material Pipeline and tropical fruit processing.

Année de publication: 2018