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Recherche dans les publications de l'OMPI

Interrogation  > Anglais > 2015

31 - 40 / 41 résultats
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International Survey on Text and Image Copyright Levies

2015 Edition

The second ‘International Survey of Text and Image Copyright Levies', jointly published by WIPO and IFRRO analyzes the origins, scope and current use of text and image copyright levies around the world. It shows the role of this mechanism for ensuring easy legal access to copyright material and its major differences with audio and audio-visual private copying levies. The Survey is based on data from IFRRO members and provides and overview of this important income stream for copyright holders.

Année de publication: 2015


WIPO Magazine, Issue 6/2015 (December)

The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.

Année de publication: 2015


Breakthrough technologies – Robotics, innovation and intellectual property

Economic Research Working Paper No. 30

Robotics technology and the increasing sophistication of artificial intelligence are breakthrough innovations with significant growth prospects and the potential to disrupt existing economic and social facets of everyday life. Few studies have analyzed the developments of robotics innovation. This paper closes this gap by analyzing how innovation in robotics is taking place, how it diffuses, and what role intellectual property plays.

Année de publication: 2015


Economic growth and breakthrough innovations: A case study of nanotechnology

Economic Research Working Paper No. 29

This paper examines the role of intellectual property and other innovation incentives in the development of one field of breakthrough innovation: nanotechnology. Because nanotechnology is an enabling technology across a wide range of fields, the nanotechnology innovation ecosystem appears to be a microcosm of the global innovation ecosystem. Part I describes the nature of nanotechnology and its economic contribution, Part II explores the nanotechnology innovation ecosystem, and Part III focuses on the role of IP systems in the development of nanotechnology.

Année de publication: 2015


3D printing and the intellectual property system

Economic Research Working Paper No. 28

Three-dimensional (3D) printing – or “additive manufacturing” – technologies differ from traditional molding and casting manufacturing processes in that they build 3D objects by successively creating layers of material on top of each other. Rooted in manufacturing research of the 1980s, 3D printing has evolved into a broad set of technologies that could fundamentally alter production processes in a wide set of technology areas. This report investigates, from the perspective of an intellectual property scholar, how 3D printing technology has developed over the last few decades, how intellectual property rights have shaped this breakthrough innovation and how 3D printing technologies could challenge the intellectual property rights system in the future.

Année de publication: 2015


Breakthrough technologies – Semiconductor, innovation and intellectual property

Economic Research Working Paper No. 27

Semiconductor technology is at the origin of today's digital economy. Its contribution to innovation, productivity and economic growth in the past four decades has been extensive. This paper analyzes how this breakthrough technology came about, how it diffused, and what role intellectual property played historically.

Année de publication: 2015


Intellectual property rights and pharmaceuticals: The case of antibiotics

Economic Research Working Paper No. 26

The development and diffusion of antibiotics contributed to large improvements in human health and living standards. The antibiotic revolution also spawned the modern pharmaceutical industry. This paper reviews the development of the early antibiotics, and the roles of intellectual property rights (in particular, patents) in their development and diffusion.

Année de publication: 2015


Breakthrough innovations in aircraft and the intellectual property system, 1900-1975

Economic Research Working Paper No. 25

Modern commercial aircraft are complex products that incorporate innovations in technologies ranging from advanced materials to software and electronics. Although commercial aircraft assuredly qualify as a transformative innovation, in fact today's commercial aircraft are the result of a process of incremental innovation and improvement that dates back more than a century. A great many of these improvements and incremental innovations originated from government-supported R&D programs sponsored by the military services or government research laboratories. The adoption of commercial-aircraft innovations within many industrial economies, including the United States, also has been influenced by government regulation of air transportation. This paper provides a historical characterization of the innovation and record of technical progress in US commercial aircraft during the 1900-1975 period. It identifies the sources of support for innovation and technological adoption, and examines the origins and impacts of “breakthrough innovations” on the overall evolution of the global commercial aircraft industry. The paper also assesses the role of patents in these important innovations.

Année de publication: 2015


World Intellectual Property Report 2015 - Breakthrough Innovation and Economic Growth

WIPO's latest World Intellectual Property Report (WIPR) explores the role of IP at the nexus of innovation and economic growth, focusing on the impact of breakthrough innovations.

Année de publication: 2015


Public Health, Intellectual Property, and TRIPS at 20: Innovation and Access to Medicines; Learning from the Past, Illuminating the Future


The World Trade Organization (WTO) and its Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) celebrated their 20th anniversary in 2015. To mark the event, the World Health Organization (WHO), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the WTO held the fifth in the series of trilateral symposia to discuss practical ways in which the twin challenges of innovation and access have been addressed.

Année de publication: 2015