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Interrogation > Anglais > 2017
WIPO Magazine, Issue 2/2017 (April)
The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.
Année de publication: 2017
Your Own World of IP
Intellectual property is everywhere! This colorful little booklet introduces the main types of IP, with plenty of interesting facts and examples. It is designed to appeal in particular to adolescents and young people.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 1/2017 (February)
WIPO - Making IP Work
WIPO is the global forum for intellectual property policy, services, information and cooperation. We are a self-funding, specialized agency of the United Nations, dedicated to making IP work for innovation and creativity. At WIPO we believe that IP and innovation go hand-in-hand. IP is about rewarding people for their ideas and original creations. It is about encouraging businesses to invest in innovations and new solutions. It is a means of enabling innovation and creativity for the benefit of all.