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Recherche dans les publications de l'OMPI

Interrogation  > Anglais > 2019

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BVGH Partnership Hub - Annual Report 2018

The consortium's objective is to establish partnerships that facilitate sharing of IP assets to advance the discovery and development of new drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics for NTDs, malaria, and tuberculosis.

Année de publication: 2019


Green School's installation of SOURCE Hydropanels in Bali, Indonesia

Matchmaking Impact Stories

In 2018, Green School started looking for a way to produce clean drinking water for its campus on Bali, Indonesia. Thanks to a WIPO GREEN project, the school established collaboration with Zero Mass Water and brought sustainable potable water – generated from sunlight and air – to its students.

Année de publication: 2019


WIPO Re:Search: Advancing Product Development for Neglected Infectious Diseases through Global Public-Private Partnerships

WIPO Re:Search Consortium unites public and private market forces to address neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), malaria, and tuberculosis (TB) through sharing of intellectual property across sectors and geographies. To date, WIPO Re:Search has catalyzed over 150 R&D collaborations and managed capacity-building fellowships for scientists across sub-Saharan Africa and other low- and middle-income regions. This publication highlights seven exciting collaborations that are advancing solutions to help over one billion people who suffer from NTDs, malaria, and TB.

Année de publication: 2019


WIPO Re:Search Partnership Stories 2016-2019: Driving R&D for Neglected Infectious Diseases Through Global Cross-Sector Collaborations

WIPO Re:Search is a global public-private consortium that accelerates drug, vaccine, and diagnostic research and development (R&D) to address unmet medical needs for neglected infectious diseases and drive progress toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Established in 2011, WIPO Re:Search catalyzes royalty-free sharing of intellectual property—including compounds, data, clinical samples, technology, and expertise—among Consortium Members in targeted, mutually beneficial R&D collaborations. This publication contain stories of collaborations established through WIPO Re:Search from 2016 to 2019.

Année de publication: 2019


WIPO Collection of Leading Judgments on Intellectual Property Rights

People's Republic of China (2011–2018)

This casebook of judgments by the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China is the first volume in the WIPO Collection of Leading Judgments on Intellectual Property Rights. The WIPO Collection gives the global intellectual property community access to landmark judgments from some of the most dynamic litigation jurisdictions of the world, through a succession of volumes that illustrate intellectual property adjudication approaches and trends by jurisdiction or by theme.

Année de publication: 2019


When Private International Law Meets Intellectual Property Law

A Guide for Judges

Co-published by WIPO and the Hague Conference on Private International Law, this guide is a pragmatic tool, written by judges, for judges, examining how private international law operates in intellectual property (IP) matters. Using illustrative references to selected international and regional instruments and national laws, the guide aims to help judges apply the laws of their own jurisdiction, supported by an awareness of key issues concerning jurisdiction of the courts, applicable law, the recognition and enforcement of judgments, and judicial cooperation in cross-border IP disputes.

Année de publication: 2019


The Global Publishing Industry in 2018

This study provides an overview of the global publishing industry in 2018, covering publishing revenue, the number of titles published and the number copies sold. The report presents the latest publishing statistics compiled from the following sources: (a) the IPA–WIPO publishing survey, (b) the Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), (c) WIPO's legal deposits survey, (d) the Nielsen Company, (e) the International ISBN Agency, and (f) the Web of Science database.

Année de publication: 2019


Global Innovation Index 2019

Creating Healthy Lives — The Future of Medical Innovation

The Global Innovation Index 2019 provides detailed metrics about the innovation performance of 129 countries and economies around the world. Its 80 indicators explore a broad vision of innovation, including political environment, education, infrastructure and business sophistication. The GII 2019 analyzes the medical innovation landscape of the next decade, looking at how technological and non-technological medical innovation will transform the delivery of healthcare worldwide. It also explores the role and dynamics of medical innovation as it shapes the future of healthcare, and the potential influence this may have on economic growth. Chapters of the report provide more details on this year's theme from academic, business, and particular country perspectives from leading experts and decision makers.

Année de publication: 2019


Hague Yearly Review 2019 - Executive Summary

International Registration of Industrial Designs

This executive brief identifies key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs.

Année de publication: 2019


Hague Yearly Review 2019

International Registration of Industrial Designs

Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international registration of industrial designs.

Année de publication: 2019