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WIPO Pulse

Global intellectual property perception survey 2023

Pulse is a path-breaking new survey of awareness of and attitudes toward intellectual property (IP) rights. The broadest survey of its kind, based on 25,000 interviews in 50 countries, WIPO Pulse is a unique snapshot of how individuals and communities think and feel about IP. This report covers the top-line findings of the survey and describes the research methodology used. It is a unique resource for policymakers, researchers, educators and others involved in promoting IP rights and raising IP awareness globally.

Année de publication: 2023


Global Innovation Index 2023

Executive Summary

The GII 2023 Executive Summary provides key highlights and results presented in the full GII 2023: Innovation in the face of uncertainty report. The GII 2023 reveals who is leading in global innovation, ranking the innovation performance of 132 economies and highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, it identifies the world's top 100 science and technology clusters.

Année de publication: 2023


WIPO Magazine, Issue 1/2024

The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.

Année de publication: 2024


Guide to the International Patent Classification (2024)

This Guide provides information on the objectives, history and reform of the International Patent Classification (IPC) as well as assistance in the use of the IPC.

Année de publication: 2024


Country Perspectives: Türkiye's Journey

This report gives an account of Türkiye's Journey in the “Unlocking IP-backed Financing Series” - looking at the challenges as well as government-backed initiatives and commitments to facilitate activities supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Année de publication: 2024


Access to science and innovation in the developing world

Economic Research Working Paper No.78

We examine the implications of lowering barriers to online access to scientific publications for science and innovation in developing countries. We investigate whether and how free or low-cost access to scientific publications through the UN-led Research For Life (R4L) initiative leads to more scientific publications and clinical trials of authors affiliated with research institutions in developing countries. We find that free or reduced-fee access to the health science literature through Hinari (WHO-led subprogramme) increases the scientific publication output and clinical trials output of institutions in developing countries. In contrast, once we control for selection bias, we do not find empirical support for a positive Hinari effect on knowledge spillovers and local institutions' research input into global patenting, as measured by paper citations in patent documents. Main findings can be generalized to other R4L subprogrammes and are likely to also apply to the WIPO-led Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) programme.

Année de publication: 2024


WIPO Strategy on Standard Essential Patents 2024-2026

This document sets out a three-year strategic plan for WIPO in the field of standard essential patents (SEPs). The strategy, based on the guiding principles of neutrality, complementarity and voluntary nature, gives an account of WIPO's current activities and sets forth the four pillars of WIPO's upcoming work to serve as a global platform for discussion, enhance transparency, be a hub of knowledge and data, and provide meaningful services in the SEP area.

Année de publication: 2024


WIPO International Patent Drafting Training Program

A comprehensive training program that improves the knowledge and skills required for successful patent applications.

Année de publication: 2024


WIPO Workforce 2023

December Edition

WIPO's workforce is the human capital of the Organization and its greatest asset. This brochure shows a detailed picture of staffing at WIPO in 2023.

Année de publication: 2023


Mapping Innovations

Patents and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

This report maps global patents to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), providing invaluable insights into patent trends aligned with the SDGs. It illustrates patenting activities relevant to the SDGs and the state of technology development across these goals. Utilizing the WIPO Technology Concordance, the report analyzes the alignment between specific technology fields and the SDGs. The study further investigates the geographical locations of inventors and jurisdictions for protecting SDG-related patents. Additionally, a detailed analysis of patent owners headquartered in five key regions is presented, highlighting their pivotal role in driving sustainable innovation across various industries.

Année de publication: 2024