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Technology Transfer in Countries in Transition: Policy and Recommendations

This Study consists of thorough analysis of how business and research are intertwined. It focuses on different mechanisms and models of technology transfer.

Année de publication: 2012


Management of Academic Intellectual Property and Early Stage Innovation in Countries in Transition

In order to determine the most effective management methods WIPO carried out a survey amongst universities and independent research institutions to determine the present practices and bottlenecks in the field of university Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) management. The results are grouped around three main areas: technology transfer organizations, research and academic IPR management and transfer of technology. Created guidelines provide insight into such vital aspects of management as: managing patent portfolios, choosing the most effective commercialization strategy, technology management and others. This Study is targeted at universities, technology professionals, scientists, IPR professionals and patent attorneys, innovation agents, innovative SMEs and other entities interested in assisting the utilization and commercialization of the economically valuable IPRs.

Année de publication: 2010


Recommendations for Strengthening the Role of Innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States

New technologies and knowledge, forming real concrete benefits, are becoming a defining factor for economic growth and for the development of the society. The exclusive significance of the innovation component of small and medium-sized business are of great significance for the economic and social development .Taking into the account the heightened risks accompanying the introduction of new technologies by SMEs and the enormous potential possibilities that comes with such new technologies, in economic and social terms, governments should undertake efforts and offer privileges to motivate innovation activities among SMEs.

Année de publication: 2010


Teaching Intellectual Property (IP) in Countries in Transition

The purpose of this Study is to identify the special needs of countries in transition with respect to intellectual property training and education, to define the different goals and objectives of such training, and to facilitate the development of a core curriculum and innovative methodologies for teaching IP in countries in transition.

Année de publication: 2013


WIPO Program and Budget

for the 2018/19 biennium

The Program and Budget is a defining document for the Organization. It establishes the results that Member States wish to see achieved by the Organization over the coming biennium and authorizes the programs and resources necessary for the realization for those results.

Année de publication: 2017


Intellectual property use in middle income countries: the case of Chile

Economic Research Working Paper No. 43

We analyze the use of intellectual property (IP) by firms in Chile over the decade 1995-2005 as the then middle-income country experienced rapid economic growth of 4.7 percent per year. We use a novel dataset that contains a combination of detailed firm-level information from the annual manufacturing census, information on firms' innovative activities from Chile's innovation surveys, and firms' patent, industrial design, and trademark filings with the Chilean IP office. We use these data to look at how IP use by companies has changed over time and analyze the determinants of IP use, in particular first-time use. We find that sales growth prompts first-time use of patents and trademarks, though such use does not change the growth trajectory of firms nor does it improve their total factor productivity. We also find that trademark use is associated with new-to-the-world product innovation, which suggests that branding may be an important mechanism to appropriate returns to innovation in a middle-income country like Chile.

Année de publication: 2018



A multi-purpose IP education resource

Année de publication: 2018


Enhancing Innovation in the Ugandan Agri-Food Sector: Robusta Coffee Planting Material & Tropical Fruit Processing

Economic Research Working Paper No. 42

Uganda's innovation performance in recent years has consistently outpaced other low-income and Sub-Saharan African countries. Though encouraging, this nascent progress will only benefit the broader Ugandan population if policy makers address specific constraints in the innovation systems of the critical agri-food sector, which is hampered by low productivity and profitability. In this report, we explore these constraints using an agricultural value chains framework with particular focus on the Robusta Coffee Planting Material Pipeline and tropical fruit processing.

Année de publication: 2018


WIPO Magazine, Issue 2/2018 (April)

The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.

Année de publication: 2018


Celebrating 20 years of IP Education and Training - The WIPO Academy Year in Review 2017

This report introduces the work of the Academy, highlights our achievements in 2017 and shines a light on some of the Academy's achievements in the past 20 years.

Année de publication: 2018