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The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) in 1994

Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system.

Année de publication: 1995


WIPO Program and Budget

for the 2016/17 biennium

This Program and Budget provides the planning for the biennium 2016/17 within the overall strategic context of the Medium Term Strategic Plan (MTSP) and guided by the inputs received from Member States.

Année de publication: 2016


International Patenting Strategies of Chinese Residents: An Analysis of Foreign-Oriented Patent Families

Economic Research Working Paper No. 20

This paper analyzes Chinese patenting abroad by using WIPO's foreign-oriented patent family dataset and a respective enterprise questionnaire. It finds that by the turn of the century China emerged as major actor in terms of international patenting. While this is changing rapidly, the share of Chinese patents which get filed abroad is still a fraction of total patents filed at home and most patents still also only target one foreign IP office. Chinese foreign-oriented patent families are concentrated in a few technology fields, and a few Chinese firms are responsible for a large share of total Chinese patents filed abroad.

Année de publication: 2014


The Emergence of An Educational Tool Industry: Opportunities and Challenges for Innovation in Education

Economic Research Working Paper No. 19

This paper describes the emergence of a population of firms specialized in developing and commercializing educational tools and instructional technologies, and discusses whether this trend can be seen as part of the solution to the innovation deficit and cost disease problems in this sector.

Année de publication: 2014


The Egyptian Information Technology Sector and the Role of Intellectual Property: Economic Assessment and Recommendations

Economic Research Working Paper No. 18

This paper discusses the state of innovation in the Egyptian information technology sector (IT) and seeks to identify the current and potential role of intellectual property (IP) for this sector as well as the links between IP and innovation and foreign direct investment. The paper proposes IP-related policies which could contribute to promoting domestic innovation.

Année de publication: 2014


Inventor Data for Research on Migration and Innovation: A Survey and a Pilot

Economic Research Working Paper No. 17

This paper discusses the existing literature on migration and innovation, with special emphasis on empirical studies based on patent and inventor data. Other sources of micro-data are examined, too, for comparative purposes. A pilot database, based on patent filings at the European Patent Office is presented. It contains information on individual inventors, including their country of residence and of origin. Preliminary evidence suggests that immigrant inventors contribute to innovation not only in the United States, but also in selected European countries, where they often rank among the most productive individuals.

Année de publication: 2014


U.S. High-Skilled Immigration, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Empirical Approaches and Evidence

Economic Research Working Paper No. 16

High-skilled immigrants are a very important component of U.S. innovation and entrepreneurship. Studies regarding the impact of immigrants on natives tend to find limited consequences in the short-run, while the results in the long-run are more varied and much less certain. Immigrants in the United States aid business and technology exchanges with their home countries, but the overall effect that the migration has on the home country remains unclear. Little is known about return migration of workers engaged in innovation and entrepreneurship, except that it is rapidly growing in importance.

Année de publication: 2014


Diaspora Networks, Knowledge Flows and Brain Drain

Economic Research Working Paper No. 15

The paper summarizes key findings from the literature on how distance, relationships and ethnic ties influence knowledge flows, and describes a model that relates emigration and the diaspora to knowledge flows. It recaps a key study that reports evidence of a link from the diaspora and knowledge flows to home country manufacturing productivity. The study summarizes the ways in which intellectual property (IP) protection may influence knowledge flow patterns through incentives (market for ideas) and disincentives (anticommons). Finally, it speculates on how diaspora knowledge flows and IP may alleviate developing country low-productivity equilibria (“poverty traps”) caused by an underinvestment in specialized human capital.

Année de publication: 2014


An "Algorithmic Links with Probabilities" Concordance for Trademarks For Disaggregated Analysis of Trademark and Economic Data

Economic Research Working Paper No. 14

The authors propose an ‘Algorithmic Links with Probabilities' (ALP) approach to match Trademarks (TMs) data to economic data and enable these data to speak to each other. Specifically, they construct a NICE Class Level concordance that maps TM data into trade and industry categories forward and backward. This concordance allows researchers to analyze differences in TM usage across both economic and TM sectors. In this paper, the authors apply this ALP concordance for TMs to characterize patterns in TM applications across countries, industries, income levels and more. They also use the concordance to investigate some of the key determinants of international technology transfer by comparing bilateral TM applications and bilateral patent applications.

Année de publication: 2014


Brands as Productive Assets: Concepts, Measurement, and Global Trends

Economic Research Working Paper No. 13

The paper looks at brands from an economic point of view. It defines concepts; analyzes the conditions under which brands are long-lived productive assets and contribute to economic growth; and reviews the measurement of investment in brands. It finds that a productive role for brands is consistent with assumptions used in the economic analysis of innovation. Finally it offers an analysis of economic development that suggests branding rises with growth.

Année de publication: 2014