WIPO Pearl: Enhanced Database
June 19, 2020
The WIPO Pearl terminology database has been updated and now contains over 190,000 terms, all validated by WIPO-PCT language experts. In addition, over 20,000 concepts (or 82%) are linked to other concepts in the database, and these relationships can be browsed in our Concept Map Search. Further relationships can be shown in unvalidated “concept clouds” produced via a machine learning algorithm.
Collaboration with the Government of Canada
This update includes 80 multilingual terminology records (500 terms) resulting from a collaboration between WIPO and the Terminology Standardization Division, Translation Bureau, Government of Canada, which defined key terminology in the breakthrough field of virtual reality. Expert validation of the terms and the concept maps was provided by specialists in this field at École Polytechnique de Montréal, MasterpieceVR, and McGill University, all in Canada.
Collaboration with universities
This release also includes multilingual terminology records provided by students at the following universities, following our validation:
- National University of Córdoba, Argentina
- Université Grenoble Alpes, France
- University of Manchester, United Kingdom
We invite universities who are interested in a terminology collaboration of this kind to contact us.