PCT International Search and Preliminary Examination Guidelines


Chapter 22 Clerical and Administrative Procedures

Identification of the International Application

Rules 53.6, 60.1(b)

22.06 The International Preliminary Examining Authority checks whether the international application to which the demand relates can be identified, for example, by checking the name and address of the applicant, title of the invention, international filing date and international application number. If the determination is negative, the International Preliminary Examining Authority promptly invites the applicant to submit corrections using Form PCT/IPEA/404. If the corrections are submitted within the time limit fixed in the invitation, the demand is considered as if it had been received on the date on which the International Preliminary Examining Authority receives the corrections and the Authority indicates the date of receipt of the corrections on the first sheet of the demand and in the box for the adjusted date of receipt on the last sheet (see also paragraph 22.12). If the corrections are not submitted within this time limit, the demand is considered not to have been submitted and the International Preliminary Examining Authority so declares (Form PCT/IPEA/407).