The SCP Electronic Forum was established pursuant to a decision of the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) at its first session, first part, which was held in Geneva from June 15 to 19, 1998 (document SCP/1/6, paragraph 18), in order to accelerate the deliberations and discussions of the SCP.
The Forum is open to all states members of the SCP and all interested states, international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations which have observer status in the SCP.
The Forum is used for the electronic distribution of, and submission by e-mail of comments concerning, preliminary draft working documents and draft Reports of the SCP. However, as decided by the SCP, alternative methods of participation, such as facsimile transmission or post are provided for those SCP members or observers who wish to participate in the Forum but do not have access to electronic communication means.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please send an e-mail to