July 10, 2023
In a bid to promote knowledge sharing and collaboration, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), organized a panel discussion on the use of intellectual property (IP) by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), attended by over 300 participants. The event brought together experts from national IP offices to share their experiences and analysis regarding the significance of IP for SMEs, on the occasion of the 64th Series of Meeting of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO.
SMEs play a pivotal role in fostering innovation and driving sustainable economic growth. Recognizing the importance of the IP system in supporting SMEs, the panel discussion aimed to shed light on the challenges faced by SMEs in accessing and leveraging the IP system effectively. The event also focused on the benefits that SMEs can obtain through a well-crafted IP strategy, including increased competitiveness, revenue growth, and risk mitigation.
Mr. Habip Asan, Director, Division for Transition and Developed Countries, Regional and National Development Sector opened the panel discussion, emphasizing the significance of IP as a critical resource for enterprises, innovators, and countries, citing a record level of patents filed under WIPO systems last year and the increasing need for a more effective and inclusive IP ecosystem to support SMEs and foster global innovation and economic development.
The panel discussion, moderated by Mr. Carsten Fink, Chief Economist at WIPO, featured esteemed representatives from IP offices that have conducted studies on SMEs and IP. The participants included Mr. Konstantinos Georgaras, Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO); Ms. María Loreto Bresky, Director General of the National Institute of Industrial Property Ministry of Economy of Chile (INAPI); Adv. Jacqueline Bracha, Deputy Director of the Israel Patent Office (ILPO); Dr. Bernard Ong, Group Director of the Policy and Engagement Cluster at the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS); Mr. Matthew Forno, Assistant General Manager of Policy & Stakeholders Group at IP Australia; and Ms. Ingrid Buffolo, Director of the Customer Department at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). Their diverse perspectives and experiences contributed to a comprehensive reflection on the use of IP by SMEs.
The discussion highlighted the evolving role of national IP offices (IPOs) as facilitators and enablers of SMEs' engagement with the IP system. IPOs have transformed from traditional registries of IP rights to entities that provide guidance and support to businesses in protecting and managing their IP assets.
One key aspect discussed during the event was the importance of empirical research conducted by IPOs to understand SMEs' behavior and reliance on the IP system. Studies, including those conducted with the support of WIPO, employ various research methods such as surveys, focus groups, and data collection to identify trends and issues related to SMEs and IP. These insights enable IPOs to design tailored services and support programs that address the specific needs and expectations of SMEs effectively.
The event provided an invaluable platform for IPOs to exchange insights and analysis on SMEs' engagement with the IP system. It underscored the significance of a robust IP strategy for SMEs' growth and competitiveness.
In his closing remarks, Mr. Guy Pessach, Director, IP for Business Division (IPBD), IP and Innovation Ecosystem Sector, unveiled WIPO’s plan for taking a leading role in assisting IPOs in conducting studies for analyzing SMEs' use of IP. This initiative is an integral part of the program aimed to assist national IP offices in developing their business support services. The methodology developed by WIPO for the quantitative and qualitative study on IP rights intensive SMEs usage and perception of IP, is aimed to support IPOs to enhance their offerings for SMEs.
It is hoped that the collection and analysis of data from diversified IP offices, based on the same methodology, will also provide a comparative benchmark combining data from various countries.
WIPO's initiative to facilitate knowledge sharing among IPOs and strengthen their ability to support SMEs marks a crucial step toward unlocking the potential of IP for SMEs globally.
For more information about the event and the studies presented, please visit https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=78628
For more information about WIPO’s work in the area of SME related IP issues, please consult our main webpage https://www.wipo.int/sme/en/