--- openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: Name of the API description: Description of the API (Preferably in a format where it describes the use cases, eg. This API provides access to [functionality] so that users can [actions]) version: The version of your OAS file for the API. We recommend using the format 1.0.1 contact: name: Institution name url: URL for the homepage of the IP Office API Catalog site or developer portal email: test@wipo.int termsOfService: Link if available x-ip-domain: - Industrial Design - Patent - Trademark - Copyright - Geographical Indication - Plant Variety Protection x-service-type: - Account Management - Application Management - Communication - Dissemination - Payment - Portfolio Management - Search - Translation x-content-type: - Abstract - Bibliographic data - Citation data - Classification - Court decision data - Full-Text - Legal status - Licensing data - Office action data - Payment related data x-content-language: - ar - en - es - fr - ru - zh x-product-page-url: www.wipo.int x-oas-url: URL where API description file can be downloaded servers: - url: Link to the api server tags: - name: Application - name: Payment paths: "/applications": summary: A string summary, intended to apply to all operations in this path post: tags: - Application requestBody: description: Application information content: application/json: example: title: example title author: example author register_date: '1970-01-01T09:00:00.594Z' responses: '200': description: Application validated content: application/json: example: title: example title author: example author register_date: '1970-01-01T09:00:00.594Z' accepted_date: '1970-01-01T08:00:00.594Z' '201': description: Application submitted content: application/json: example: title: example title author: example author register_date: '1970-01-01T09:00:00.594Z' accepted_date: '1970-01-01T09:00:02.594Z'