DPMA Authority file layout Please Note: The authority file contains all published - DE patent documents (kind codes A, B, C), application after 01.01.1978 (i.e. number greater than DE0000028...) - DE utility mode documents (kind code U) application after 01.01.1978 (i.e. number greater than DE0000078...) - German translations of European/international patent documents (Country code DE, kind code T), complete - DD patent documents (kind codes A, B, C), complete - German translations of Russian patent documents (Country Code DD, kind code T), complete The file will be updated and expanded in yearly intervals and is currently provided in csv file format. Data description: There is a comma (character) between each field. 1. "Country Code" concatenated with the document id. (e.g. patent number) 2. Patent "Kind of Document Code". 3. Publication date (Format: YYYYMMDD) 4. Application country 5. Application number 6. Application kind 7. Application date (Format: YYYYMMDD) 8. May contain a publication indicator which is used to provide additional information the document (e.g. missing data) '': The field is empty if the data is complete. 'M': Missing published documents The DPMA does currently not have a copy of the missing documents in its collection. 'D': Documents deleted after the publication (e.g. patent withdrawn) 9. Availability of a searchable abstract 'ABST-N': no abstract available 'ABST-en': English abstract available 'ABST-de': German abstract available 10. Availability of searchable descriptions 'DESC-N': no description available 'DESC-U': searchable full text available, unknown if it contains description 'DESC-de': German description available 11. Availability of searchable descriptions 'CLMS-N': no claims available 'CLMS-U': searchable full text available, unknown if it contains claims 'CLMS-de': German claims available Examples: DE102010054241,A1,20120614,DE,102010054241,A,20101211,,ABST-de ABST-en,DESC-de,CLMS-de complete document, abstract available in English and German, description and claims available in German DE4447496,A1,,,,,,D,ABST-N,DESC-N,CLMS-N withdrawn document, no application data, abstract, description, claims available DE2856954,T5,19820128,DE,2856954,T,19780727,M missing published documents DE7801873,U1,,DE,,,,M,ABST-N,DESC-N,CLMS-N missing application data and published documents, no abstract, description, claims available