WIPO ST.96 XML Examples

This page contains Office examples of ST.96 XML instances, which are conformant or compatible with WIPO Standard ST.96. They have been provided here to help promote the use of ST.96 more widely.

Source Files Description ST.96 version Last Updated
Hague System A Hague Bulletin instance based on version 4.0 of ST.96 (HagueIBToOfficeTransaction_V4_0). 4.0 2021.12.16
Madrid System A Madrid Transaction based on version 4.0 of ST.96 (MadridIBToOfficeTransaction_V4_0.xsd) 4.0 2021.12.06
(Republic of Korea)
This ZIP file includes 6 example instances of the kpat:PatentPublicationNotice. The KIPO-customized XML ST.96 schemas and documentation are also included. 4.0 2021.12.06
A patent legal status example based on ST.27 event codes (PatentLegalStatusData_V4_0.xsd) 4.0 2021.12.06