simpleType AssociationCategoryType
version V2_0
type restriction of xsd:token
base xsd:token
used by
element tmk:AssociationCategory
Kind Value annotation
enumeration Transformed to The existence of this enumeration indicates that a request for extension of protection has been transformed into a new national application and the new national application number is provided.
enumeration Transformed from The existence of this enumeration indicates that a request for extension of protection has been transformed into a new national application and the original national application number assigned to the request for extension of protection is provided.
enumeration Partial transfer to Transfer of rights for part of goods and services in trademark to another legal entity.
enumeration Partial transfer from Transfer of rights for part of goods and services in trademark from another legal entity.
enumeration Replaced by The existence of this enumeration indicates that a national registration has been replaced by a request for extension of protection into that national office that has subsequently registered. The original national application number assigned to the request for extension of protection is provided.
enumeration Replaces The existence of this enumeration indicates that a request for extension of protection into a national office that has registered has replaced a national trademark registration in that national office. The replaced national application number being replaced is provided.
enumeration Claimed prior registration he existence of this enumeration indicates that an owner/holder of a trademark has claimed that they also are the holders of prior registrations in that national office. The claimed prior registration numbers are listed.
enumeration International application or registration This existence of this enumeration indicates that the international application or registration has a relationship with the parent property. The related international application or registration is provided.
enumeration Divisional parent This enumeration indicates that the national trademark application or registration has a child national trademark application or registration. The national trademark application or registration number for the parent property is provided.
enumeration Divisional child This enumeration indicates that the national trademark application or registration has a parent national trademark application or registration. The national trademark application or registration number for the child property is provided.
enumeration Related international registration This enumeration indicates that the international registration is a child or a parent of a family of related international registrations. The parent or child international registration number is provided.
enumeration Trademark related to legal proceeding This enumeration indicates that the trademark is related to leagl proceedings
enumeration Consolidated parent This enumeration indicates that the associated proceedings are the parent proceedings for a group of consolidated proceedings.
enumeration Consolidated child This enumeration indicates that the associated proceedings are the children proceedings for a group of consolidated proceedings.
enumeration Associated opposition This enumeration indicates that the associated opposition that is related to other legal proceedings.
source <xsd:simpleType name="AssociationCategoryType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:token">
<xsd:enumeration value="Transformed to">
The existence of this enumeration indicates that a request for extension of protection has been transformed into a new national application and the new national application number is provided.
<xsd:enumeration value="Transformed from">
The existence of this enumeration indicates that a request for extension of protection has been transformed into a new national application and the original national application number assigned to the request for extension of protection is provided.
<xsd:enumeration value="Partial transfer to">
Transfer of rights for part of goods and services in trademark to another legal entity.
<xsd:enumeration value="Partial transfer from">
Transfer of rights for part of goods and services in trademark from another legal entity.
<xsd:enumeration value="Replaced by">
The existence of this enumeration indicates that a national registration has been replaced by a request for extension of protection into that national office that has subsequently registered. The original national application number assigned to the request for extension of protection is provided.
<xsd:enumeration value="Replaces">
The existence of this enumeration indicates that a request for extension of protection into a national office that has registered has replaced a national trademark registration in that national office. The replaced national application number being replaced is provided.
<xsd:enumeration value="Claimed prior registration">
he existence of this enumeration indicates that an owner/holder of a trademark has claimed that they also are the holders of prior registrations in that national office. The claimed prior registration numbers are listed.
<xsd:enumeration value="International application or registration">
This existence of this enumeration indicates that the international application or registration has a relationship with the parent property. The related international application or registration is provided.
<xsd:enumeration value="Divisional parent">
This enumeration indicates that the national trademark application or registration has a child national trademark application or registration. The national trademark application or registration number for the parent property is provided.
<xsd:enumeration value="Divisional child">
This enumeration indicates that the national trademark application or registration has a parent national trademark application or registration. The national trademark application or registration number for the child property is provided.
<xsd:enumeration value="Related international registration">
This enumeration indicates that the international registration is a child or a parent of a family of related international registrations. The parent or child international registration number is provided.
<xsd:enumeration value="Trademark related to legal proceeding">
This enumeration indicates that the trademark is related to leagl proceedings
<xsd:enumeration value="Consolidated parent">
This enumeration indicates that the associated proceedings are the parent proceedings for a group of consolidated proceedings.
<xsd:enumeration value="Consolidated child">
This enumeration indicates that the associated proceedings are the children proceedings for a group of consolidated proceedings.
<xsd:enumeration value="Associated opposition">
This enumeration indicates that the associated opposition that is related to other legal proceedings.