element CitedOtherKindNPL
version V2_0
namespace https://www.wipo.int/standards/XMLSchema/ST96/Common
type com:CitedNPLType
content complex
children com:ElectronicAccess com:CitedDocumentDate com:AbstractNumber com:AuthorName com:Subordinate com:CitedContributionTitleText com:NPLCopyrightText com:NPLIssueDesignationText com:NPLReferenceNumber com:NPLStandardNumber com:NPLClass com:Notes com:PublicationText com:PublisherName com:PublicationPlace
used by
complexType com:NPLCitationType
Name Type Use Default Fixed annotation
com:id xsd:ID documentation
Unique identifier global to the entire document
Reference to a product manual/catalogue, a web page or any other non-patent literature(other than cited book, cited journal article or cited conference proceedings article)
source <xsd:element name="CitedOtherKindNPL" type="com:CitedNPLType">
Reference to a product manual/catalogue, a web page or any other non-patent literature(other than cited book, cited journal article or cited conference proceedings article)