element ClaimStatusCategory
version V2_0
namespace https://www.wipo.int/standards/XMLSchema/ST96/Patent
type pat:ClaimStatusCategoryType
content simple
used by
complexType pat:ClaimType pat:ImplicitClaimType
Kind Value annotation
enumeration Original A claim that is the same as originally submitted with the initial filing.
enumeration Currently amended A modification to the claim text in the current amendment document.
enumeration Cancelled by applicant A claim that has been cancelled and is no longer under prosecution.
enumeration Withdrawn A claim that is no longer being considered, but can be revived.
enumeration Previously presented An unchanged copy of a previously amended claim.
enumeration New A new claim that has been added in the current amendment.
enumeration Not entered A claim that is not under prosecution, however, may or may not be revived by the petition office or the examiner.
enumeration Unknown When an applicant provides a claim status that does not map to the standard set.
enumeration Allowed A claim that has been indicated as in condition for allowance by examiner of record
enumeration Objected to A claim that has been indicated as objected to by examiner of record
enumeration Rejected A claim that has been indicated as rejected by examiner of record
enumeration Restricted A claim that has been indicated as subject to a restriction requirement by examiner of record
enumeration Non elected or withdrawn A claim that is not being examined after restriction. It is withdrawn from further consideration until allowance of the application. A claim that has been indicated as withdrawn by examiner of record.
enumeration Cancelled by examiner A claim that has been indicated no longer available for examination by examiner of record
enumeration Appealed A claim that has been indicated as appealed to the Board by examiner of record
enumeration Interference A claim that has been indicated as subject to interference proceedings by examiner of record
enumeration None The examiner has not yet taken action on the claim
Status of claim during Filing, Amendment, Examination, and Prosecution
source <xsd:element name="ClaimStatusCategory" type="pat:ClaimStatusCategoryType">
Status of claim during Filing, Amendment, Examination, and Prosecution