complexType CrossReferenceType
version V2_0
type extension of com:PhraseType
base com:PhraseType
mixed true
children com:B com:I com:O com:S com:U com:Sub com:Sup com:SmallCapital com:Ins com:Del
used by
element com:CrossReference
Name Type Use Default Fixed annotation
com:id xsd:ID documentation
Unique identifier global to the entire document
com:idrefs xsd:IDREFS documentation
It represents whitespace-separated lists of references to identifiers that are defined using the xsd:ID datatype in the current document
com:extRef xsd:token documentation
It represents a reference to an identifier defined in the external document
com:crossReferenceCategory com:CrossReferenceCategoryType required documentation
Category of cross reference, e.g. table.
com:sourceURI xsd:anyURI documentation
A string of characters used to identify a name or a web resource
com:sourceSystemName xsd:string documentation
: The name of the content or document management system that contains the source file or document
com:sourceSystemIdentifier xsd:token documentation
A unique identifier of the source file or source document in the content or document management system
source <xsd:complexType name="CrossReferenceType" mixed="true">
<xsd:extension base="com:PhraseType">
<xsd:attribute ref="com:id"/>
<xsd:attribute ref="com:idrefs"/>
<xsd:attribute ref="com:extRef"/>
<xsd:attribute ref="com:crossReferenceCategory" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute ref="com:sourceURI"/>
<xsd:attribute ref="com:sourceSystemName"/>
<xsd:attribute ref="com:sourceSystemIdentifier"/>