element MarkFeatureCategory
version V2_0
namespace https://www.wipo.int/standards/XMLSchema/ST96/Trademark
type tmk:MarkFeatureCategoryType
content simple
used by
complexType tmk:EarlierMarkType tmk:MarkRepresentationType
Kind Value annotation
enumeration Word A mark consisting of letters, words, numerals and/or other punctuation or diacritical characters commonly found in standard style
enumeration Stylized characters A mark consisting of letters, words and/or numerals comprised of special characteristics such as style(s) of lettering, or unusual form(s) of punctuation
enumeration Figurative A mark consisting of two-dimensional figures such as pictures, images and drawings without letters or words and/or numerals
enumeration Combined A mark consisting of more than one mark feature, e.g. “word”, “figurative element” and/or “colour” as claimed in a statement contained in the application
enumeration Three dimensional A mark consisting of a three-dimensional object as claimed in a statement contained in the application
enumeration Colour A mark consisting exclusively of a colour or a combination of colours without any figurative element as claimed in a statement contained in the application
enumeration Sound A mark consisting of audio rather than visual means to distinguish a product or service, and claimed as such in a statement contained in the application
enumeration Hologram A mark that consists of or contains a hologram as part of its distinctive features as claimed in a statement contained in the application
enumeration Olfactory A mark consisting of a distinctive smell, scent or odour of a product or used in relation to services and as claimed in a statement contained in the application
enumeration Motion A mark depicting motion or movement as claimed in a statement contained in the application
enumeration Multimedia A mark consisting of the combination of movement and sound claimed in a statement contained in the application
enumeration Position A mark which consists of the manner in which the sign is placed or laid out on the product as claimed in a statement contained in the application
enumeration Touch A mark consisting of the distinctive texture of a product as claimed in a statement contained in the application
enumeration Taste A mark consisting of the distinctive taste of a product as claimed in a statement contained in the application
enumeration Tracer A mark consisting of a certain symbol or combination, mixture or pattern of colours that runs lengthwise through the product which is usually sold by cutting off a portion from a roll/bale etc. as claimed in a statement contained in the application. For example, coloured thread running through cables and patterns running the length of ropes.
enumeration Other Any other type of mark as claimed in a statement contained in the application
Category of mark feature
source <xsd:element name="MarkFeatureCategory" type="tmk:MarkFeatureCategoryType">
Category of mark feature