element Pre
version V2_0
namespace https://www.wipo.int/standards/XMLSchema/ST96/Common
type com:PreType
content complex
used by
complexType pat:ClaimTextType com:DDType com:PType
Name Type Use Default Fixed annotation
com:listingCategory com:ListingCategoryType required documentation
Category of listing
com:id xsd:ID documentation
Unique identifier global to the entire document
Tag used to identify content consisting of text objects that require preservation (pre) of their whitespace in order to preserve internal logical relationships. (e.g., sequence listing fragments, computer program listings)
source <xsd:element name="Pre" type="com:PreType">
Tag used to identify content consisting of text objects that require preservation (pre) of their whitespace in order to preserve internal logical relationships. (e.g., sequence listing fragments, computer program listings)