element ReexaminationReissueMerger
version V2_0
namespace https://www.wipo.int/standards/XMLSchema/ST96/Patent
type pat:DocumentRelationType
content complex
children pat:ParentDocument pat:ChildDocument
used by
complexType pat:RelatedDocumentBagType
Name Type Use Default Fixed annotation
com:id xsd:ID documentation
Unique identifier global to the entire document
Present when a reissue application was merged with reexamination proceedings. The issuing document is a reissue patent which shows the following reexamination results statement on the reissue patent front page, immediately following the abstract.
source <xsd:element name="ReexaminationReissueMerger" type="pat:DocumentRelationType">
Present when a reissue application was merged with reexamination proceedings. The issuing document is a reissue patent which shows the following reexamination results statement on the reissue patent front page, immediately following the abstract.