attribute imageContentCategory
version V2_0
type com:ImageContentCategoryType
used by
complexType com:ImageType
Kind Value annotation
enumeration Drawing Drawing
enumeration Photograph Photograph
enumeration Character Character
enumeration DNA Deoxyribose nucleic acid
enumeration Chemistry Chemistry
enumeration Table Table
enumeration Maths Maths
enumeration Program listing Program listing
enumeration Flow chart Flow chart
enumeration Graph Graph
enumeration Document Image of a document
enumeration Specimen Description of a use of a Trademark
enumeration Undefined Undefined
Category of image content, e.g. art work, figures, complex work units (math, tables, chemistry), etc.
source <xsd:attribute name="imageContentCategory" type="com:ImageContentCategoryType">
Category of image content, e.g. art work, figures, complex work units (math, tables, chemistry), etc.