element Ins
version V2_1
namespace https://www.wipo.int/standards/XMLSchema/ST96/Common
type com:InsType
children com:B com:I com:O com:S com:U com:Sub com:Sup com:SmallCapital com:Del
used by
complexType com:BType pat:ClaimReferenceType pat:ClaimTextType com:DDType com:IPOASISEntryType com:IType com:OType com:PhraseType com:PType com:SmallCapitalType com:SType com:SubSup2Type com:SubType com:SupType com:UType
Name Type Use Default Fixed annotation
com:authorIdentifier xsd:token
com:changeDateTime xsd:dateTime
source <xsd:element name="Ins" type="com:InsType">
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