simpleType  SEQLNotConsideredCategoryType  
version V3_2
type restriction of xsd:token 
used by
element     pat:SEQLNotConsideredCategory 
source <xsd:simpleType  name="SEQLNotConsideredCategoryType">
<xsd:restriction  base="xsd:token">
<xsd:enumeration  value="paper">
The late furnishing or the non compliance with Annex C of the Administrative Instruction of a paper sequence-listing
</xsd:enumeration> <xsd:enumeration  value="electronic">
The late furnishing or the non compliance with Annex C of the Administrative Instruction of an electronic sequence-listing
</xsd:enumeration> <xsd:enumeration  value="late furnishing fee">
The late payment of the furnishing fees
</xsd:enumeration> <xsd:enumeration  value="table">
The late furnishing or the non compliance with Annex C-bis of the Administrative Instruction of tables related to a sequence-listing