element IPRightRevivalEventData
version V4_0
namespace http://www.wipo.int/standards/XMLSchema/ST96/Patent
type pat:IPRightRevivalEventDataType
children com:EffectiveCountryBag pat:GazetteNumber com:CommentText pat:ReinstatementReasonText pat:PriorUseRightFromDiscontinuationIndicator pat:CessationDate com:ExpiryDate com:PriorEventDate
used by
complexType pat:StatusEventDataType
source <xsd:element name="IPRightRevivalEventData" type="pat:IPRightRevivalEventDataType">
This is supplementary data of the ST.27 Category K (IP right revival). This category is a group of events related to the revival, reinstatement or restoration of an IP right after its cessation for any type of IP right covered by Category F. It includes, for example, the request for the revival and the decision to revive an IP right, including by way of an appeal. The events in this category may move an IP right from the termination likely/termination stage into the grant stage or the post-grant challenge stage.