element PermanentTerminationEventData
version V4_0
namespace http://www.wipo.int/standards/XMLSchema/ST96/Patent
type pat:PermanentTerminationEventDataType
children com:EffectiveCountryBag pat:GazetteNumber com:CommentText com:ReasonNotInForceCategory com:NotInForceDate
used by
complexType pat:StatusEventDataType
source <xsd:element name="PermanentTerminationEventData" type="pat:PermanentTerminationEventDataType">
This is supplementary data of the ST.27 Category N (Termination). This category is a group of events related to the termination of an application of any type covered by Category A or an IP right of any type covered by Category F without a possibility of its revival. It includes, for example, when an application or IP right was terminated by the IPO or a court. The events in this category are not available to all IPOs.