simpleType ContactCategoryType
version V7_0
type restriction of xsd:token
used by
element cpy:ContactCategory
source <xsd:simpleType name="ContactCategoryType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:token">
<xsd:enumeration value="Collective Management Organization">
Collective Management Organization (CMO) or collective society e.g., SOCAN, CMRRA, Access Copyright etc.
</xsd:enumeration> <xsd:enumeration value="Publisher">
A natural person or legal entity responsible for publishing, releasing or issuing a resource
</xsd:enumeration> <xsd:enumeration value="Website">
An online publication
</xsd:enumeration> <xsd:enumeration value="Individual">
A natural person
</xsd:enumeration> <xsd:enumeration value="Organization">
A company or group
</xsd:enumeration> <xsd:enumeration value="Company">
A company
</xsd:enumeration> <xsd:enumeration value="Other Source">
An alternative source consulted as part of the diligence search
</xsd:enumeration> <xsd:enumeration value="Producer">
A natural person or legal entity responsible for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, audio recording, television, webcast, etc. The producer is generally responsible for fund raising, managing the production, hiring key personnel, arranging for distributors, etc.