element OtherEventData
version V7_1
namespace http://www.wipo.int/standards/XMLSchema/ST96/Patent
type pat:OtherEventDataType
children com:EffectiveCountryBag pat:GazetteNumber com:CommentText pat:NationalEventDescriptionText pat:RegionalEventDescriptionText com:PriorEventDate pat:RuleNumber
used by
complexType pat:StatusEventDataType
source <xsd:element name="OtherEventData" type="pat:OtherEventDataType">
This is supplementary data of the ST.27 Category W (Other). This category covers events which cannot be categorized under any other Category. It is recommended to use this category as a last resort for unusual cases, where a liberal interpretation of the description of all other Categories would fail to adequately describe the national/regional event (e.g. legacy events or interim/internal events).