element PreGrantReviewRequestEventData
version V7_1
namespace http://www.wipo.int/standards/XMLSchema/ST96/Patent
type pat:PreGrantReviewRequestEventDataType
children com:EffectiveCountryBag pat:GazetteNumber com:CommentText com:AppellateDecisionData pat:PartyBag com:RepresentativeBag com:OppositionDate com:OppositionReference com:OppositionLanguageCode com:OppositionGroundsText com:OppositionExtentText com:OppositionDocumentBag com:PriorEventDate pat:RuleNumber
used by
complexType pat:StatusEventDataType
source <xsd:element name="PreGrantReviewRequestEventData" type="pat:PreGrantReviewRequestEventDataType">
This is supplementary data of the ST.27 Category E (Pre-grant review request). This category is a group of events related to the request for a pre-grant review for any application covered by Category A. It includes, for example, a request for a pre-grant opposition, pre-grant re-examination, or pre-grant limitation. It also includes when such a request was inadmissible, rejected or withdrawn. The events in this category may move an application from the examination stage or the termination likely/termination stage into the pre-grant challenge stage.