element  ProtectionBeyondIPRightTermEventData  
version V8_0
namespace http://www.wipo.int/standards/XMLSchema/ST96/Patent
type pat:ProtectionBeyondIPRightTermEventDataType 
children   com:EffectiveCountryBag com:GazetteNumber com:CommentText pat:ExtensionAuthorizationNumber com:ExtensionAuthorizationDate com:ExtensionGrantDate com:ReceivingOfficeDate pat:ExtensionTerminationReasonCategory com:ExtensionTerminationDate com:DecisionAuthorityCategory com:PriorEventDate com:RuleNumber 
used by
complexType     pat:StatusEventDataType 
source <xsd:element  name="ProtectionBeyondIPRightTermEventData"  type="pat:ProtectionBeyondIPRightTermEventDataType">
This is supplementary data of the ST.27 Category G (Protection beyond IP right term). This category is a group of events related to the protection of an IP right beyond its term for any type of IP right covered by Category F. It includes, for example, a request for a patent term adjustment (PTA), patent term extension (PTE) or a supplementary protection certificate (SPC) extension and also includes related events that occur subsequent to such a request. The events in this category occur during the grant stage.