########### WIPO Sequence Validator properties spring: servlet: multipart: enabled: true max-file-size: 5GB max-request-size: 5GB validator: # -- FOLDERS -- home: /temp/st26/ #Folder to put the files to be processed inbox: ${validator.home}inbox/ #Folder to store the ST26 files once validated outbox: ${validator.home}outbox/ #Folder to store the parameters params: ${validator.home}params/ #Folder to store the validation reports reports: ${validator.home}reports/ #Parent folder for full and formality folders processPath: ${validator.home}process/ #Files in process for a full validation are stored in this folder processFullPath: ${validator.processPath}full/ #Files in process for a formality validation are stored in this folder processFormalityPath: ${validator.processPath}formality/ alternativeResourceBasePath: ${validator.home}alt_resources validator_locale: en html: true #Preferences #to enable the rule VXQV49 set this value to true, default value is false. preferences: optionalEnglishQualifierValue: false # please enter either : ERROR or WARNING to specifiy the type of the verification message for the rule VXQV_49, default value is "WARNING". optionalRuleType: WARNING server: callBack-url: servlet: context-path: /wipo-sequence-validator api: URL: # springdoc: # api-docs: # # path: /api-docs # enabled: false # swagger-ui: # url: /api-docs.yaml # # path: /swagger-ui.html # software version from pom.xml version: "@project.version@" # Paths to exclude # These properties control the process looking for files in the folders to be processed # (see: https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/scheduling/concurrent/ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.html) processing: delay: 10000 corePoolSize: 5 #Max number of files being validated concurrently maxPoolSize: 10 queueCapacity: 1000 enabled: true #### Logging (see https://logback.qos.ch/manual/configuration.html) logging: level: root: info org: wipo: info pattern: console: "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n" # HEALTH ENDPOINT management: endpoints: jmx: exposure: include: health # Show details of health endpoint endpoint: health: show-details: always enabled: true