openapi: 3.0.0 info: description: Callback for the WIPO Sequence Validator version: "1.0" title: WIPO Sequence Validator Callback paths: /api/validator/callback: post: summary: Return the generated contract operationId: callbackUsingPOST requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ServiceRequest" description: request required: true responses: "200": description: OK "201": description: CREATED "401": description: UNAUTHORIZED "403": description: FORBIDDEN "404": description: ELEMENT NOT FOUND "500": description: INTERNAL ERROR SERVER deprecated: false servers: - url: //localhost:8080/ components: schemas: Error: type: object required: - code - message properties: code: type: string example: INVALID_VALIDATION_TYPE description: error code message: type: string description: error message moreInfo: type: string description: extended info on the error title: Error MapEntry: type: object properties: key: type: string xml: name: key attribute: true wrapped: false value: type: string title: MapEntry xml: name: Parameter attribute: false wrapped: false ServiceRequest: type: object properties: currentApplicationNumber: type: string currentSEQLVersionNumber: type: string elapsedTime: type: integer format: int64 endTime: type: string errorSummary: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VerificationMessage" httpStatus: type: string parentApplicationNumber: type: string parentSEQLVersionNumber: type: string processID: type: string seqIDQuantity: type: integer format: int32 seqInputQuantity: type: integer format: int32 seqlType: type: string startTime: type: string totalErrorQuantity: type: integer format: int32 totalWarningQuantity: type: integer format: int32 verificationReportOutputPath: type: string title: ServiceRequest VerificationMessage: type: object properties: dataElement: type: string xml: name: DataElement attribute: false wrapped: false detectedSequence: type: string xml: name: DetectedSequence attribute: false wrapped: false index: type: integer format: int32 key: type: string xml: name: MessageKey attribute: false wrapped: false locmessage: type: string xml: name: LocalizedMessage attribute: false wrapped: false params: type: object additionalProperties: type: string paramsForXML: type: array xml: name: ParameterBag attribute: false wrapped: true items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MapEntry" reportValue: type: string xml: name: DetectedValue attribute: false wrapped: false sequenceIDNumber: type: string type: type: string xml: name: Severity attribute: false wrapped: false title: VerificationMessage xml: name: VerificationMessage attribute: false wrapped: false