Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: WIPO-MCST-KCOPA Interregional Workshop on Copyright Enforcement
Description: Within the framework of Strategic Goal VI: to consider the value of copyright (CR) protection and enforcement to the social, economic and cultural development of the participating countries;
 to provide training on CR enforcement measures and remedies, with a particular focus on the digital environment;
 to discuss topical issues in the area of building respect for CR; and
 to envisage national and transnational strategies for effective cooperation to build respect for CR.
Type: Workshop
IP Subject Area: Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector: Building Respect for IP Division
Date From: 30/04/2018 - 04/05/2018
Venue City: Seoul
Venue/Host Country: Republic of Korea
Activity held in Language: English

Beneficiary / Participant Countries

Country Name No. of Members / Participants
Cambodia 2
China 2
Ethiopia 2
Guatemala 2
Malaysia 2
Pakistan 2
Philippines 2
Eswatini 1
Uruguay 1
Zambia 2
Total Number of Participants:  18