Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: Finalization of Report on Recommendations for the IP Strategy of Slovakia - meeting with IP Office in Braslava
Description: Please see attached letter of August 2, 2017, from Mr. Richard Messinger, President, Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic requesting WIPO to support the participation of Mr. Alfred Radauer in a meeting with representatives of their office to be held in Bratislava on September 5, 2017, to discuss the finalization of the draft report on the Slovak IP Strategy which is currently awaiting comments of the various stakeholders in Slovakia
Type: Meeting
IP Subject Area: Copyright
WIPO Sector: SMEs and Entrepreneurship Support Division
Date From: 05/09/2017 - 05/09/2017
Venue City: Bratislava
Venue/Host Country: Slovakia
Activity held in Language: English