Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: Study Visit of Officers of the IP Offices of Saint Kitts and Nevis and Suriname to the IP Office of Trinidad and Tobago
Description: The objective of the study visit is to avail Officers from the IP Offices of Saint Kitts and Nevis and Suriname of the opportunity to experience firsthand the structure and daily operations of an efficient IPO in the region, among other subjects, in the area of trademark examination, utilization of the IPAS system, patent and designs application processing
Type: Visit
IP Subject Area: Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector: Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
Date From: 10/04/2017 - 12/04/2017
Venue City: Port of Spain
Venue/Host Country: Trinidad and Tobago
Activity held in Language: English

Beneficiary / Participant Countries

Country Name No. of Members / Participants
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2
Suriname 3
Total Number of Participants:  5