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As per the attached letter, this memorandum seeks your official approval to invite two international experts to take part in the above Meeting on the Beijing and Marrakesh Treaties, namely: a) Mr. Enrique King, Head of Library Services, National Institute for the Blind in Colombia (Bogota) and b) Mr. Rodrigo Aguila, Director General of Chileactores (Santiago de Chile). Their CVs and proposed program are attached. The Permanent Mission of Guatemala before WTO and the IP Registry have expressed their favorable view on their participation. Mr. King is scheduled to also take part in bilateral visits of the organizations representing persons with print disabilities, namely, the Federacion de Ciegos de Guatemala (FECIGUA) and Asociacion Guatemalteca de Personas con Discapacidad Visual (AGUAPEDIV), among others. These visits will be particularly relevant to the eventual participation of Guatemalan organizations serving the blind in ABC projects. A cost estimate is attached. Thank you. |