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At the request from the Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the Office Marocain de la Propriété Industrielle et Commerciale (OMPIC), it is suggested to organize a WIPO-JPO-OMPIC Interregional Workshop on Intellectual Property Enforcement for Customs Officials to be financed by the Japan Funds-In-Trust (IP) for Africa and LDCs for the fiscal year 2016-2017. This event, at the request of OMPIC, would take place within a “Casablanca IP Week” organized by OMPIC, which will feature other events with partner organizations such as INPI (France) and USPTO objectives : The WIPO Strategic Goal VI-driven objectives of the proposed workshop are: (i) to enhance knowledge of IP enforcement at the borders and its challenges; (ii) to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of border measures in line with Part III of the TRIPS Agreement in the interest of development and consumer protection; and (iii) to exchange experience and information, including perspectives from Japan. |