Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: International Regae Day
Description: The Government of Jamaica has requested WIPO’s support in sending a trainer/speaker for its International Reggae Day event. The program was expanded to include a training program of musical artist in how to better use and manage their rights and their works.
Mr. Stopps is well versed in copyright and within the music industry and understands the issues that face the right holders. He has years of experience in guiding artists in how to better position themselves as well as how to using marketing and branding tools to widen their prospects. He has the capacity to meet the needs of Jamaica in this instance.
WIPO has also been asked to support conference related costs. It is also suggested that WIPO provides up to 3000 Swiss francs to cover those costs.
Type: Workshop
IP Subject Area: Industrial Property
WIPO Sector: Copyright Development Division
Date From: 01/07/2015 - 01/07/2015
Venue City: Kingston
Venue/Host Country: Jamaica
Activity held in Language: English