Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: Expert Mission: Study on Measuring the Economic Contribution of Copyright -Based Industries in Ethiopia
Description: The WIPO Study on the Economic Contribution of the Copyright-based Industries in Ethiopia is well underway, and much progress has been made by the national consultants. The submitted draft Report is a comprehensive report related to data collection, analysis and discussion, and follows their Terms of Reference (TORs). The International expert, Professor Dickson Nyariki, has submitted his comments both to WIPO and the national team. He confirms that the team has thus far made great progress on the study.
It is now suggested that Professor Nyariki visit Ethiopia to hold final discussions with the national team to ensure that the remaining analysis is sound, and clearly meets with a robust review of all collected data. On the basis of this expert mission, it is expected that the national team will be able to submit the final Study in September 2014.
As per the approved memorandum (attached), a second expert mission was envisaged. It is therefore suggested that Professor Nyariki undertake his second expert mission to Addis Ababa on August 20 and 21, 2014.
Type: Workshop
IP Subject Area: Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector: Copyright Development Division
Date From: 20/08/2014 - 21/08/2014
Venue City: Addis Ababa
Venue/Host Country: Ethiopia
Activity held in Language: English