Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: Following an invitation received Mr. Jose Manuel Gomez Bravo, Intellectual Property (IP) Director PRISA Group, for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to be represented at the commemorative event of the thirtieth anniversary of the Intellectual Property Law of Spain it is hereby proposed, in agreement with the Copyright and Creative Industries Sector and the Office of the Director General, that Mr. Victor Vázquez López, Head, Section for Coordination of Developed Countries represents (WIPO) in this meeting.
Description: Following an invitation received Mr. Jose Manuel Gomez Bravo, Intellectual Property (IP) Director PRISA Group, for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to be represented at the commemorative event of the thirtieth anniversary of the Intellectual Property Law of Spain it is hereby proposed, in agreement with the Copyright and Creative Industries Sector and the Office of the Director General, that Mr. Victor Vázquez López, Head, Section for Coordination of Developed Countries represents (WIPO) in this meeting.
Type: Meeting
IP Subject Area: Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector: Division for Transition and Developed Countries (TDC)
Date From: 11/07/2017 - 13/07/2017
Venue City: Madrid
Venue/Host Country: Spain
Activity held in Language: English