Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: WIPO Regional Seminar for Technology Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) on Value Added Services to Support Innovation
Description: I..To provide advanced training to the staff of the TISCs on specific topics related to IP and technology innovation in order to enhance the value added of their services (Ecuador)
a) To discuss and agree with relevant national stakeholders and national authorities on the details concerning the implementation of (a) the TISC program and (b) the project referred to above; and
b) To provide participants (national public and academic institutions, business sector) with insights on the role of IP in leveraging and strengthening the national innovation ecosystem and how the integration of IP in public and institutional policies related to innovation and competitiveness for the business sector can facilitate that role
Type: Workshop
IP Subject Area: Industrial Property
WIPO Sector: Division for Latin America and the Caribbean
Date From: 13/11/2019 - 15/11/2019
Venue City: Quito
Venue/Host Country: Ecuador
Activity held in Language: Spanish

Beneficiary / Participant Countries

Country Name No. of Members / Participants
Argentina 2
Chile 1
Colombia 1
Peru 1
Total Number of Participants:  5