Title: |
WIPO-supported Global Health Innovation Fellowship Initiative |
Description: |
Approved pilot project: The WIPO-supported Fellows will be based at the Indian Institute of Technology’s Delhi campus (IIT Delhi) and/or the Indian Institute of Technology’s Bombay campus (IIT Bombay). The collaboration is supporting a maximum of four fellows who would be recruited in 2023 and would commence a Fellowship on 08/01/2024, for a two-year period. Travel to be processed in Q4 of 2023. |
Type: |
Face-to-Face Meeting |
IP Subject Area: |
Multiple IP Fields |
WIPO Sector: |
Global Challenges Division |
Date From: |
31/12/2023 - 07/01/2026 |
Venue City: |
Delhi |
Venue/Host Country: |
India |
Activity held in Language: |
English (Primary) |