Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: Booster Practical W orkshop on Intellectual Property for W omen Entrepreneurs from Local Communities in the CEBS Region
Description: The objectives of the Booster Practical W orkshop are to: – Consolidate the knowledge on IP, related business areas and life skills acquired in the Practical W orkshop in March 2023, and subsequent Virtual Clinics, and to build upon them with relevant advanced sessions; – Showcase and celebrate milestones from the participants’ IP strategy journey as the result of their mentorship and matchmaking phase.
Type: Face-to-Face training
IP Subject Area: Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
WIPO Sector: Traditional Knowledge Division
Date From: 17/01/2024 - 18/01/2024
Venue City: Geneva
Venue/Host Country: Switzerland
Activity held in Language: English (Primary)

Beneficiary / Participant Countries

Country Name No. of Members / Participants
Albania 2
Bulgaria 3
Croatia 3
Georgia 2
Lithuania 1
Poland 1
Republic of Moldova 2
Romania 1
Slovenia 1
Ukraine 3
Serbia 1
Macedonia 2
Total Number of Participants:  22