Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: WIPO-ASEAN IT Strategic Forum: Harnessing the Potential of the ASEAN IP Register for a Stronger Regional IP Ecosystem
Description: The objectives are to (i) explore Innovative IT Strategies, (ii) Harness Technological Advancements, (iii) Empower ASEAN IP Office, and (iv) Utilize the future of ASEAN IP Register as a data-driven innovation platorm.
Type: Face-to-Face Meeting
IP Subject Area: Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector: IP Office Business Solutions Division
Date From: 31/01/2024 - 01/02/2024
Venue City: Bangkok City
Venue/Host Country: Thailand
Activity held in Language: English

Beneficiary / Participant Countries

Country Name No. of Members / Participants
Brunei Darussalam 3
Cambodia 6
Lao People''s Democratic Republic 3
Malaysia 3
Philippines 3
Singapore 3
Thailand 3
Viet Nam 4
Total Number of Participants:  28