Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: WIPO Patent Drafting Workshop - Chile
Description: Mission Request: WIPO Patent Drafting Workshop, Santiago de Chile, Chile, May 28 to June 1, 2012 Followed by a two-month distance learning course
Type: Workshop
IP Subject Area: Patents
WIPO Sector: PCT International Cooperation Division
Date From: 28/05/2012 - 01/06/2012
Venue City: Santiago
Venue/Host Country: Chile
Activity held in Language: English , Spanish

Beneficiary / Participant Countries

Country Name No. of Members / Participants
Total Number of Participants:  0

Owner / Requester

Owner / Requester Name Owner / Requester Type
World Intellectual Property Organization IGO


Organizer Name Organizer Type
National Institute of Industrial Property of Chile Institution