Vista de los detalles de la actividad

Título: Ongoing communication with organizations for the blind in 45 developing and least developed countries, as well as countries in transition, to discuss their membership in the ABC Global Book Service. For those that recently joined the Service, ABC has been working to integrate their respective collections in the ABC catalogue.
Descripción: Ongoing communication with organizations for the blind in 45 developing and least developed countries, as well as countries in transition, to discuss their membership in the ABC Global Book Service. For those that recently joined the Service, ABC has been working to integrate their respective collections in the ABC catalogue.
Tipo: remote assistance
Ámbito temático de la P.I.: Copyright
Sector de la OMPI: Copyright Management Division
Fecha desde: 01/01/2020 - 01/01/2021
Ciudad en que se celebró la actividad: Kabul
Lugar/País anfitrión: Afghanistan
Actividad celebrada en el idioma: inglés (Principal)

Países beneficiarios/participantes

Nombre del país Nº de miembros/participantes
Afghanistan 1
Albania 1
Antigua and Barbuda 1
Bahamas 1
Barbados 1
Bhutan 1
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1
Brazil 1
Chile 1
Ecuador 1
Egypt 1
Ethiopia 1
Guatemala 1
India 1
Jamaica 1
Jordan 1
Kenya 1
Malaysia 1
Mongolia 1
Morocco 1
Myanmar 1
Nepal 1
Pakistan 1
Republic of Korea 1
Sierra Leone 1
South Africa 1
Sri Lanka 1
Tajikistan 1
Tunisia 1
Ukraine 1
Uruguay 1
Viet Nam 1
Burkina Faso 1
Palestine 1
Montenegro 1
Número total de participantes:  35