Vista de los detalles de la actividad

Título: International Conference on Woman in Tradition, Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship, held on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania (GDIP)
Descripción: The Conference aims at discussing various aspects of the role of woman in IP, innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship in Europe and beyond, focusing on challenges and recent developments and trends, as well as new initiatives regarding geographical indications and IP teaching in Albania. The event will also provide opportunity to discuss and promote the WIPO Project: CEBS Regional Edition of the Global WIPO Training, Mentoring and Matchmaking Program on Intellectual Property for Women Entrepreneurs (WEP) with focus on local women communities in traditional textiles.
Tipo: Face-to-Face Meeting
Ámbito temático de la P.I.: Industrial Property
Sector de la OMPI: Regional and National Development Sector
Fecha desde: 19/10/2023 - 20/10/2023
Ciudad en que se celebró la actividad: Tirana
Lugar/País anfitrión: Albania
Actividad celebrada en el idioma: inglés (Principal)

Países beneficiarios/participantes

Nombre del país Nº de miembros/participantes
Bulgaria 1
Croatia 1
Lithuania 1
Serbia 1
Número total de participantes:  4